Why User-Generated Content is Vital for Successful Customer Service User-generated content is hot right now, and with good reason. Consumers trust other people’s…
How to Grow Your Online Community at Lightning Speed There are dozens of online community variations, and as the digital landscape grows and…
Does Your Knowledge Base Really Answer Your Customers’ Questions? Online knowledge bases are becoming more and more of a ‘hygiene factor’ for consumer…
The Top 4 Advantages of Running a Customer Community In a rapidly changing digital landscape with increasing customer expectations, companies struggle to provide…
What the F*Q? How dynamic user generated content beats static FAQs T-Mobile leverages user-generated content in its online FAQs for better SEO, more pageviews, and…
Why 9 in 10 Consumers Rely on UGC When They’re Low in the Funnel Now more than ever, consumers rely on user-generated content when they are researching purchases.…
What the Age of the Customer Means for Digital Business With the rise of the internet industry, businesses in nearly every vertical are being…
The Hidden Connection Between CX and Revenue in Telecom Customer experience is critically important in the telecom industry, which has many entrants offering…
Yes, Millennials Are ‘Killing’ the Economy; Transparency Is Your Lifesaver If you believe what you read, Millennials like myself are responsible for ‘killing’ a…
Launch Pad: 3 Community Launch Lessons There are many benefits to harnessing customer conversations. Online conversation platforms like inSided help…