Zapier integration

Connect your inSided community to thousands of tools that make your workday easier.

Connect to your favorite tools

Our customers use Zapier to improve internal collaboration with messaging tools like Slack, automate workflows for ideation with product tools like JIRA, and send community member registrations and activity to marketing automation and CRM tools like Marketo and Hubspot.

  • Use new topics, replies, and likes from users to trigger workflows in other apps.
  • Push user data to other systems with triggers on newly registered users and new event attendees.
  • Trigger app workflows based on moderator actions like updating idea statuses and moderator tags.
  • Add new replies to topics based on triggers from external apps (e.g. post a reply from Slack to a topic).

Automate workflows

With our Zapier integration, you can trigger workflows between inSided and 3,000+ apps based on community and moderator activities, as well as use those apps to trigger behaviors on inSided.

Make use of a number of ready available Zap templates such as Slack messages, Jira issues, or add new members to Mailchimp lists.

Visit for a full list of available apps.

About Zapier

Automation & online services

Zapier is an online automation tool that allows you to connect to the software you are using every day

More information

Visit Zapier to learn more about their products.