Skilljar integration

Create a true customer-first experience by unifying community and educational resources.

All resources in one place

Give your customers instant access to educational content.

  • Directly navigate to a Skilljar course from the community
  • Show Skilljar courses in your community live-search dropdown and search result page
  • Filter the search result pages between community results and Skilljar courses

Community ❤️ Education

Provide a great customer experience and build strong customer relationships from the start by combining the power of community and education.

  • Directly navigate to a Skilljar course from the community
  • Show Skilljar courses in your community live-search dropdown and search result page
  • Filter the search result pages between community results and Skilljar courses

About Skilljar

Your Complete LMS for Customer Education

Leading customer training platform for companies to accelerate product adoption and increase customer retention.

More information

Visit to learn more about their products.

Read our press release here.