Mixpanel integration

Get a clear view of community and product usage.

Track trends and act on insights

Track end-user behavior on your community.

  • Track trends coming through from your community: Content views, topics, likes, and more.
  • With Mixpanel’s powerful insight reporting and dashboards, you’ll discover new opportunities to boost engagement to a new level.

Track the relationship between engagement and adoption

Gain a better understanding of community behavior.

  • Drill down into specific community member data through automated create-and-sync user profiles in Mixpanel.
  • SSO-ready: Report on your user’s community and product accounts together with a combined 360 view and track the relationship between community engagement and product adoption.

About Mixpanel

Product and behavioral analytics for Mobile, Web, App and more.

Analyze user behavior across your sites and apps. Then send messages and run experiments from what you learned–all in Mixpanel.

More information

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