Marley Wagner
Guest post: The Digital CSM – Goals and responsibilities of the CS team’s latest addition
Back when Customer Success was new (okay, I know, that feels like it was just yesterday), CS leaders deployed CSMs to provide a white glove high-touch experience, to what was mostly their enterprise or VIP accounts. CS was an emerging philosophy that SaaS companies were just starting to wrap their heads around, feeling out best practices and strategies to get the biggest bang for their buck. At first, the CSM role embodied the old standard that 20% of your customers get 80% of your attention, because they make up 80% of your revenue. Of course, we know this isn’t a viable long-term strategy, but hey, everybody has to start somewhere.
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5 ways to activate your super users for product-based intelligence
This is a guest post by Marley Wagner, Senior Director of Marketing & Services at ESG Customer Success as a Service® (CSaaS).Customer Success and Product teams share a pretty important goal: making sure customers find value in your product. One way both groups work to continuously improve the product experience for customers is by cultivating customer feedback.But there’s more to customer feedback than meets the eye. Much like how Customer Success gets results by segmenting their customers according to key attributes, you can segment customer feedback by each user’s level of experience with your product.And who’s at the top of the user experience curve? Your super users. These are your customers who use your product the most, and therefore, know it the best. Who better to mine for product-based intelligence than your most successful users?
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